Friday, February 18, 2011

Stuff your Jeans can be! (part 2)

Evening ladies and Welcome to our second instalment of stuff you can turn your jeans into!

One pair of jeans has made me; Angi's Apron, A kirt for the Marshmallow (which you may see tomorrow.) And now a pin cushion.

Inspired by until Wednesday calls I made me a blue bird of happiness pin cushion. Ironic really. That I made a blue bird of happiness to stab with pins.... hmmmmmm psycho analyse THAT!

I'm quite proud of it considering I'd never reverse appliquéd before. That's not the best photo I took of it but husband insisted that was the one I posted.... I'll make one for who ever can guess why.

For a clue, I also have a pic of how I spend my Friday night;

Aren't we just the cutest!